Photo by Laura Mello

Journal Brasilis

Radio Show produced by Laura Mello and Vanessa De Michelis
  02.02.21  20:00 (Berlin) 16:00 (Brasília)
for Berlin School of Sound / Errant Sound Radio
online on COLA BORA DIO


I’m really happy about this long awaited collaboration between Laura and I! Here is the release of our radio show:

Sonic Recordings are not disembodied and impartial art works, they hold not only the sound matter, but also our context, as listeners. The year 2020 was a strange one: while most people tried to stay at home, wherever that was, others attempted to support their families and reach ‘homes’ elsewhere. 

In December and January 2020/21, Laura and Vanessa travelled 13,000 km back to Brazil after years as expats in Austria, Germany and the UK. How have their sonic perceptions changed and have been influenced by migration experiences? They collected recordings, writings and voice notes on what they had heard and deliberated during this period. For the production of the radio show, they inspired each other daily through the exchange of recordings and writings between Belo Horizonte, Blumenau and Vienna.

The result is a cut-up radio journal with recordings, associations and commentaries on their experiences with life in and between Brazil, Germany, England and Austria. Starting from this perspective, the radio piece brings the global south to vibrate on Berlin School of Sound / Errant Sound Radio. This podcast combines documentary and artistic perspectives making use of sound as a medium in its various formats: sound art, field recordings, experimental and adventurous music interwoven with diary entries and reports.The idea is to focus not only on the sound works, but also to explore the often lonely phenomenology of listening from the perspective of the migrant returning to their hometown and families while in lockdown.

Vanessa De Michelis & Laura Mello