My article “A critical analysis of work: cultural industries, labour, organised feminisms and their influence in shaping the new Brazilian sound art” was selected for this amazing conference! It was supposed to be happening now, but for the moment it has been posponed! Please check out more about the conference below:

How to work and be together to think alternative futures is one of the central questions of our time. Considering the political and social conditions faced by the communities in Latinamerica, where power has been performed and used through the activation of different processes and actions, thinking on those territories seems today a relevant point of departure to open up a discussion about new forms of under- standing and inhabiting the world.

Considering thinking, sensing and doing as three aspects of knowledge production, the encounter proposes a series of questions as starting points to activate discussions and critical analysis: How to activate a de/anti-colonial practice in Latinamerica? How to dislocate power structures taking Latina- merica thinking, sensing and doing as starting points? When and why de/anti-colonial projects become truncated? How to dislocate power rela- tions within the art system? How to propose new dynamics of power for the extended art field?

We would like to contribute to the discussion related to de/anti-colonial art practices in Latinamerica, looking at how the concept of decolonialism itself has become overused worldwide. Can we hold the decolonial project or do we need to overcome it with new concepts for disobedience?

This two-day encounter aims to bring together artists, researchers, activists and scholars to open up a discussion around colonialism and de/ anti-colonialism in Latinamerica, focusing on the different forms that power and knowledge production take in the region, considering thinking, narratives, practices and their counter approaches in an attempt for starting to visualise new forms of inhabiting the world.

We welcome individual and collective proposals for workshops, papers or experimental methods of participation from artists, practioners, activists and scholars working on the following fields:

  • Critical views on concepts such as anti/neo/ de-colonialism
  • Art practices in Latinamerica (including any form of art)
  • Critical enquiry into the definition of anti/neo/ de-colonial aesthetics
  • Revision of eurocentric aproaches to art history
  • Meanings of contemporary art
  • Intersectional art experiences