This will be a live event on the 22 of June – through the facebook of the Brazilian network SONORA – music and feminisms. The network has the support of the Sonology Department of the University of São Paulo.  Sonora has a series called AS VIVAS where a different member of the network invites a guest to be interviewed. I’ve been invited by, or might I say,  provoked and challenged by the  sound studies scholar and artist Dr.Lilian Campesato. This invitation came as a result of a study group I conducted in 2019  exploring the topic “Is Sound Art Work?”. 

The topic of this interview  will be my current research at the Film,  Media and Cultural Studies department of Birkbeck College on the potentialities and tensions of looking at the field of sonic arts from a cultural worker and industries perspective. I will also speak in general about living in the UK as a Brazilian artist and the political choice to take arts policy and cultural studies as a course of studies rather than sonic arts.